My Journey is Beginning

Hello and good day my lovelies!

Well, life certainly has taken it’s toll, so I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things here shortly.  I’m happy to say that I am thisclose to getting things started on my YA contemporary series.  It’s been a long and arduous journey, but so worth it.  
The reason that it’s taken me so long is because I’ve dedicated time to learning the “rules” of writing.  I remember being on a chat session with Larissa Ione earlier this year (courtesy of my friend Tigris Eden – buy her book!), and I asked her “What advice do you have for people wanting to write?”  I’m sure that best-selling authors get bombarded with this question all the time.  And she was kind enough to answer me.  She said “learn the rules of writing.”  
“Rules?” I thought.  Yes, I know all about the rules.  Sentence structure, grammar, “i before e,” “show, don’t tell,” and all that jazz.  But there were things that I didn’t know a lot about.  Things like plot, motivation, scene and sequel.  I decided to devour everything I could on the subject.  I learned about character and viewpoint.  I learned about the cause and effect of plot and what grips a reader.  I read about setting and world building.  I even went as far as learning how to market and blog.  In fact, I have my nose buried in James Scott Bell’s Plot & Structure (which is fabulous – I highly recommend) right now.
But I know I can’t keep reading forever.  At some point, I have to put pen to paper.  And that time is coming soon.

Blog Schedule

Okay…in an effort to build up my blogging skills and get on a regular schedule, I am making myself a weekly line up which I will follow.  So, here’s what’s coming up:

Mondays – WritingLand Musings
On this day, I will share my journey as I navigate through WritingLand.  I will share my inspirations, ideas, information about my characters, thoughts on where my story is heading, and lots of other cool things. 
Wednesdays – Writing to the Beat
This is the day where I will share my musical inspirations, artists I dig, and other musically related items that I feel tie in so closely with the world of writing.  If there is one thing I love just as much as books, it’s music.   
Fridays – Fun Fact Friday!
Fridays will be a fun day where I will share fun facts about things related to writing, my current WIP, locations of fiction, etc.  
I really hope that you will join me on these days, mainly to keep me accountable, but also to have fun and dish with me on the daily topic.  

Welcome to WritingLand – Population Many

This weekend I went to a wonderful writing conference in Irving, TX and was grateful to spend some quality time with some pretty amazing writers.  Some of them I knew, some of them I didn’t, but by the time I left it felt like we were old friends.  One thing that I can say about the world of writing and the people that inhabit it is that it is absolutely amazing.  They are so supportive and understanding.  Young, old, pre-published, published – it doesn’t matter.  They are there for you to share in your success and pick you up when you’re down.  That’s something that’s really special.  So if you are considering writing, even a bit, come into our world.  You’re always welcome with open arms.